Analyze Tyre Stints of your Sessions

Analyze Tyre Stints of your Sessions
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You can now analyze the tyre wear and lap times of your session tyre stints in F1Laps! For all of your sessions, F1Laps shows the tyre life remaining for each lap as well as the lap time.

Tyre Life

The tyre life chart shows the tyre life percentage remaining in your tyres. A new tyre has a value of 100%. At roughly 30% or lower you’re at risk of punctures.
Each new tyre stint will be shown as a separate line in this chart. The color of each chart corresponds to the tyre color, except for Hards which are shown in black instead of white color.
The x-axis shows the lap within the stint. So if you’re starting a second tyre stint, the respective second line will restart at x-value 0, to allow for direct comparison of stints.
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Lap Times

The second chart shows all of your lap times, ordered by tyre stint. This allows you to see how your tyre stints affected your lap times.
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This feature is available for all F1Laps users that are on a paid subscription plan. It works whenever you use the F1Laps Telemetry App to import your game data.

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